public class SubtleCrypto extends Objs
Objs.Constructor<T extends Objs>, Objs.Property<T>
Modifier | Constructor and Description |
protected |
SubtleCrypto(Objs.Constructor<?> c,
Object js) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SubtleCrypto |
$as(Object obj) |
Object |
decrypt(Algorithm algorithm,
CryptoKey key,
ArrayBufferView data) |
Object |
decrypt(String algorithm,
CryptoKey key,
ArrayBufferView data) |
Object |
deriveBits(Algorithm algorithm,
CryptoKey baseKey,
double length) |
Object |
deriveBits(String algorithm,
CryptoKey baseKey,
double length) |
Object |
deriveKey(Algorithm algorithm,
CryptoKey baseKey,
Algorithm derivedKeyType,
Boolean extractable,
String[] keyUsages) |
Object |
deriveKey(Algorithm algorithm,
CryptoKey baseKey,
String derivedKeyType,
Boolean extractable,
String[] keyUsages) |
Object |
deriveKey(String algorithm,
CryptoKey baseKey,
Algorithm derivedKeyType,
Boolean extractable,
String[] keyUsages) |
Object |
deriveKey(String algorithm,
CryptoKey baseKey,
String derivedKeyType,
Boolean extractable,
String[] keyUsages) |
Object |
digest(Algorithm algorithm,
ArrayBufferView data) |
Object |
digest(String algorithm,
ArrayBufferView data) |
Object |
encrypt(Algorithm algorithm,
CryptoKey key,
ArrayBufferView data) |
Object |
encrypt(String algorithm,
CryptoKey key,
ArrayBufferView data) |
Object |
exportKey(String format,
CryptoKey key) |
Object |
generateKey(Algorithm algorithm,
Boolean extractable,
String[] keyUsages) |
Object |
generateKey(String algorithm,
Boolean extractable,
String[] keyUsages) |
Object |
importKey(String format,
ArrayBufferView keyData,
Algorithm algorithm,
Boolean extractable,
String[] keyUsages) |
Object |
importKey(String format,
ArrayBufferView keyData,
String algorithm,
Boolean extractable,
String[] keyUsages) |
Object |
sign(Algorithm algorithm,
CryptoKey key,
ArrayBufferView data) |
Object |
sign(String algorithm,
CryptoKey key,
ArrayBufferView data) |
Object |
unwrapKey(String format,
ArrayBufferView wrappedKey,
CryptoKey unwrappingKey,
Algorithm unwrapAlgorithm,
Algorithm unwrappedKeyAlgorithm,
Boolean extractable,
String[] keyUsages) |
Object |
unwrapKey(String format,
ArrayBufferView wrappedKey,
CryptoKey unwrappingKey,
Algorithm unwrapAlgorithm,
String unwrappedKeyAlgorithm,
Boolean extractable,
String[] keyUsages) |
Object |
unwrapKey(String format,
ArrayBufferView wrappedKey,
CryptoKey unwrappingKey,
String unwrapAlgorithm,
Algorithm unwrappedKeyAlgorithm,
Boolean extractable,
String[] keyUsages) |
Object |
unwrapKey(String format,
ArrayBufferView wrappedKey,
CryptoKey unwrappingKey,
String unwrapAlgorithm,
String unwrappedKeyAlgorithm,
Boolean extractable,
String[] keyUsages) |
Object |
verify(Algorithm algorithm,
CryptoKey key,
ArrayBufferView signature,
ArrayBufferView data) |
Object |
verify(String algorithm,
CryptoKey key,
ArrayBufferView signature,
ArrayBufferView data) |
Object |
wrapKey(String format,
CryptoKey key,
CryptoKey wrappingKey,
Algorithm wrapAlgorithm) |
Object |
wrapKey(String format,
CryptoKey key,
CryptoKey wrappingKey,
String wrapAlgorithm) |
$as, $cast, $delete, $get, $js, $set, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, freeze, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, newObject, newObject, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf
protected SubtleCrypto(Objs.Constructor<?> c, Object js)
public static SubtleCrypto $as(Object obj)
public Object decrypt(String algorithm, CryptoKey key, ArrayBufferView data)
public Object decrypt(Algorithm algorithm, CryptoKey key, ArrayBufferView data)
public Object deriveKey(String algorithm, CryptoKey baseKey, String derivedKeyType, Boolean extractable, String[] keyUsages)
public Object deriveKey(Algorithm algorithm, CryptoKey baseKey, String derivedKeyType, Boolean extractable, String[] keyUsages)
public Object deriveKey(String algorithm, CryptoKey baseKey, Algorithm derivedKeyType, Boolean extractable, String[] keyUsages)
public Object deriveKey(Algorithm algorithm, CryptoKey baseKey, Algorithm derivedKeyType, Boolean extractable, String[] keyUsages)
public Object digest(String algorithm, ArrayBufferView data)
public Object digest(Algorithm algorithm, ArrayBufferView data)
public Object encrypt(String algorithm, CryptoKey key, ArrayBufferView data)
public Object encrypt(Algorithm algorithm, CryptoKey key, ArrayBufferView data)
public Object importKey(String format, ArrayBufferView keyData, String algorithm, Boolean extractable, String[] keyUsages)
public Object importKey(String format, ArrayBufferView keyData, Algorithm algorithm, Boolean extractable, String[] keyUsages)
public Object sign(String algorithm, CryptoKey key, ArrayBufferView data)
public Object sign(Algorithm algorithm, CryptoKey key, ArrayBufferView data)
public Object unwrapKey(String format, ArrayBufferView wrappedKey, CryptoKey unwrappingKey, String unwrapAlgorithm, String unwrappedKeyAlgorithm, Boolean extractable, String[] keyUsages)
public Object unwrapKey(String format, ArrayBufferView wrappedKey, CryptoKey unwrappingKey, Algorithm unwrapAlgorithm, String unwrappedKeyAlgorithm, Boolean extractable, String[] keyUsages)
public Object unwrapKey(String format, ArrayBufferView wrappedKey, CryptoKey unwrappingKey, String unwrapAlgorithm, Algorithm unwrappedKeyAlgorithm, Boolean extractable, String[] keyUsages)
public Object unwrapKey(String format, ArrayBufferView wrappedKey, CryptoKey unwrappingKey, Algorithm unwrapAlgorithm, Algorithm unwrappedKeyAlgorithm, Boolean extractable, String[] keyUsages)
public Object verify(String algorithm, CryptoKey key, ArrayBufferView signature, ArrayBufferView data)
public Object verify(Algorithm algorithm, CryptoKey key, ArrayBufferView signature, ArrayBufferView data)
public Object wrapKey(String format, CryptoKey key, CryptoKey wrappingKey, String wrapAlgorithm)
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