Behaviour Driven Development

Behaviour Driven Development(BDD) combines the principles of Test Driven Development with the ideas of Domain Driven Design. The basic idea is to allow non-programmers to specify desired Behaviour as simple user stories. These stories should be written as real sentences. Here’s an example from wikipedia:

Scenario 1: Refunded items should be returned to stock
Given a customer previously bought a black sweater from me
And I currently have three black sweaters left in stock
When he returns the sweater for a refund
Then I should have four black sweaters in stock

JBehave is a popular BDD framework for Java. Let’s try it with our selenium-webdriver.


  1. Follow the steps in our last tutorial.

  2. To register JBehave, add this to the dependencies in the pom:

  1. And add this to plugins:
                         <outputDirectory> ${}/jbehave/view</outputDirectory> 

Implementing the Test

  1. Open the project “IntegrationTest General Client Code”

  2. Create a new File “dukescript_behaviour_story.story” in test resources. It will contain our simple story:

Scenario: I click the "Start" button

Given The page is loaded
When I click the button start
Then button stop should be enabled
And 6 words should .rotate 
  1. Now let’s create a “New File” -> “Java” -> “Java Class” that implements the Steps.

  2. Name it “DukeScriptSteps”:

public class DukeScriptSteps extends Steps {

    private static WebDriverFX driver;
    private static Data testModel;

    @Given("The page is loaded")
    public void givenThePageIsLoaded() throws Exception {
        driver = new WebDriverFX(FileLocator.findURL("pages/index.html"));
        driver.executeAndWait(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                testModel = new Data("Hello World from DukeScript !", false);

    @When("I click the button $item")
    public void whenIPushAnItem(String item) {
        WebElement button = driver.findElement(;;

    @Then("button $button should be $state")
    public void thenIShouldCount(String button, String state) {
        WebElement target = driver.findElement(;
        String attribute = target.getAttribute("enabled");

    @Then("$number words should $css")
    public void thenIShouldCount(int number, String css) {
        List<WebElement> findElements = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector(css));
        Assert.assertEquals(number, findElements.size());
  1. Now we need to create a JUnit test. It derives from JUnitStory:
public class DukescriptBehaviourStory extends JUnitStory {
    public Configuration configuration() { return new MostUsefulConfiguration(); }

    public InjectableStepsFactory stepsFactory() {
        return new InstanceStepsFactory(configuration()
                                      , new DukeScriptSteps());   
  1. That’s it, you can now run it as a JUnit test. Simply right click it and select “Test File” from the context menu.

Have fun with Behaviour Driven Development!